While resting he thought it would have been atleast twelve hours when he started for his journey . The biggest question in his mind was that , whether Rob's mother is still alive or something wrong has happened . But he has no way to know about it. He could not return now because he was now too far from that place. He also thought about that boy whom he saved from that well.He was thinking Why was he here? Why he just went off without saying him anything? He guessed that boy might be here in this forest for the same reason he was here. He should also be having his dear person struggling with life and that's why he came here to save them . This all were just Danyal's thoughts , he did not exactly know what was the real thing? Danyal has now accepted this world as his part , and adapted to it well to which he considered one of his dreams.
After sometime he stood up to continue his journey . He decided this work given by Mr James Andy should be done today itself , otherwise it will be too late. He could not risk Mrs Andy's life. So with full enthusiam started with his search again. But when he was on his way this time , he felt as if someone or something is following him .But whenever he turned back, he found no one. This happened for many times . But Danyal was sure that someone is following . For a moment he thought about the same boy he saved . But it was not visible at all. But at last Danyal gathered courage and spoke loudly looking everywhere . "Please, show yourself, what do you want from me?" For a moment there was complete silence . Danyal was looking here and there , with a hope that the invisible will show himself . It really did. Now Danyal can see him clearly. He was of a light yellow-green color. That person looked even more dangerous than the people in the dead world look . Danyal predicted him to be ghost and was unable to believe what his eyes were seeing.
He introduced himself "Im Danyal Stone , Who are you?".
That creature spoke "I am the ghost of the forest."
Danyal asked "What do you want from me , why are you following me?"
He replied "Danyal , I know why you are here , to save someone's life,many come here to do it but fail , I have asked a task to many but no one has ever helped me. I ask you too Danyal to do a task for me . The place or thing you are searching for can only be searched by a person from the real world . I am a ghost, so I cant do this"
Danyal asked "Which task? "
The Ghost replied " I am Brad Mark , I was killed 10 years ago by a person named Robert, who wanted my wife desperately , who loved her a lot.It was a one sided love. He was a mad guy , a guy mad in love . So, to get her, he killed me with a pistol and when my wife tried to escape from him , he killed her too. He was then killed in the police encounter after some months. Till then we still lived here happily in the dead world by that period. But when he too came here , destroyed our whole life , he tried to kill me and my wife again.Unfortunately my wife got killed again. If any one dies in this world , it means complete disappearing. No existence of it remains. I am not a ghost of this place, with my choice. I had to , Danyal. Any crime committed in the dead world , its punishment is to continue the life forever as a ghost. Iam really tired of this life Danyal from 9 years. No life, no feel , no touch,no love just nothing. I was blamed to kill my sweet wife whom I loved her lot and that mad guy has escaped again. Why is it always so Danyal ,that Life takes exam always of the innocent, I just don't understand it?
Danyal was moved by the story, he felt pity on him. He then asked "So Mr Mark, what do you want from me?"
He replied I want an end of the guy who killed my wife , and I dont want to be a ghost any more Danyal , its really enough now , I cant bear it any more. I dont know how will you do this Danyal, but if you do this, you will really get something special .
Danyal after thinking a lot " Ok I'll see Sir, if I can do something, now please excuse me I am in a hurry. Before that will you please tell me what does this sentence mean - Find no color ,under the cover. I found this written in a box , given by my Uncle."
Brad Mark replied "This box is given to those who are in a mission of saving someones life. Every box contains a different clue Danyal , only who is committed for saving a life ,can only see this clue. I have been asked different clues many times. But its really difficult to figure it out. Only I know a thing is the path you need to follow is this. Everyone who has succeeded has returned from this path." He showed him a path which was very much dark surrounded on both by trees.
Danyal thanked him and promised him that he will definitely try to do his work and continued his journey.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Chapter 11(Yet Another Life)
Danyal when woke up , he found himself alone. The boy to whom he helped last night was not with him. He felt really very bad . He waited there for him sometime thinking that he would have gone somewhere for any other reason and will return. But when he didnt return , Danyal again alone in that forest moved . While he was walking , for an instant he remembered what was written on that small paper "Search for no colour , under the cover". He again took that box out and opened it . He was looking under the cover of the box as if something is hidden inside it . At last found that there was nothing under the cover of that box. But what did the sentence actually mean he was thinking on it .What is no colour ? What is under cover? He was now very much confused about what to do and what not to do .Then a thought came in his mind about the well that it is also a source of water . He thought that boy was not accidentally inside the well it was intentional . He thought there must be something inside that well because of which the boy went inside. Then he also decided to get inside that well.
Then he started making a plan , how to get inside that well . After satisfied with his own thinking he tied the same rope with which he saved that boy to the branch of a tree very near to the well and tied the other end to himself so that if any problem occurs inside he could easily overcome that and come outside the well easily .It was a day time , so he was now at a less fear . He had almost forgotten what was the main reason for which he came here this very long alone , without any help . It was for Rob's mother who was struggling for her life and the Danyal was the one who had to save her .The only thought in his mind was to find something in that well. He now stepped inside that well , holding a brick one by one and stepping down one by one. Slowly and slowly now reached near the water which was very much deep from the top. Now Danyal had to think that whether he should go inside the water and see what lies in there or he should search for something in the walls of the well. So he thought that searching in the walls is more easy than going inside that dirty brown water.
But the thing now was that , what he should search . He had almost had a round of that well searching . He found nothing specific and striking over the walls . So the next plan was to go inside that water . He now untied him and jumped inside that water . Luckily he knew to swim . The water was so brown that he could not see anything clearly inside . Then also he did not give up , he kept on searching and searching inside. For a moment he comes out for some air and then again jumps inside . He did this many times , but still did not succeed . After then , he came out of that well . He was all wet , he had no extra clothes with him to change. So fully wet Danyal rested for sometime beside that well.
Chapter 10 (Yet Another Life)
Danyal was a very courageous boy , he was now facing the most dreadful horror in reality . As he was moving he could hear all the sounds of insects , owls which was very much frightening to him. He was feeling like he was walking in one of his most terrifying dreams . He had no clue where to go ,what to search . Then he remembered of the small box given by Mr James Andy. The box was a very old brown coloured one. He opened it and found a small paper inside it where it was written "Search for the no colour, under the cover ." It did'nt took time for Danyal to solve this , the only colourless thing he knew was water. He know that now he has to go for a source of water in this forest which only can lead him to his destiny. He opened the box again with a hope that some other clue he could find in it , but the box was empty had nothing except that small chit . Disappointed Danyal moved forward keeping that box in his small bag which he brought with him.
When he was on his way , he heard the sound of a person screaming , he sensed danger. He wanted to run for a moment , but his true heart and humanity pulled him towards that voice which was asking for help. After searching for that person for a long time he found that the voice was coming from inside the well . He moved nearer to the well and looked inside , it was very dark inside , he could not see the person clearly.But then also he saw that person was hanging in a small branch inside the well. He looked here and there for any kind of rope or something and he found one . He found a big rope hanging on a trees branch . It was too high for him to get it , but anyhow he managed after so much struggle. He checked whether the rope was strong enough to bear the weight of any person , after then he gave the other end of the rope to the person inside the well and asked him to grab it and then Danyal started pulling it . Danyal put all his strength to pull him up . After a long struggle he took him out of the well.
The boy who came out from the well looked as of the same age of Danyal . Danyal found that boy very much in terror. He tried to talk to him . He asked him his name , but the boy was in so much fear that he could not even speak and was fainted after a moment. Danyal thought , now he could not move forward , because he could not leave that boy in this condition . So he decided to stay at the same place for sometime . He saw a shed there a small distance . He took that boy to that place. Tired Danyal slept there below that shed .
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Chapter 9 (Yet Another Life)
Danyal was shocked to know all this , he asked "How is it possible Sir? Doctor are working there , they are not able to save her life, how could I ?".
Rob's father said "Danyal as I have told you that your aunt can face death at any moment and she will have to live here forever , which I don't want Danyal , I know one thing that we can stop this happening , just you have to do is to believe me .Danyal it is a belief in this world that the entrance here can be postponed, which is our ultimate desire . I don't know exactly how, but it is possible , but we have to give it a chance which is the only thing we can do . There is a small forest in the border of the village , people say a lot of things about this that there lies something, something that can help us , that can stop the death from happening , which can only be done you and the people who do not belong to this world. We have got a very less time Danyal , you need to be quick. Be careful Danyal , this can be risky , your only power will be your courage , nothing else."
Uncle you said that my desire and determination brought me down here , but Rob would be desiring more to have you than me. So why you didnt call him.
He replied "Danyal though he wants me to be back , though he strongly desires , but he is not determined , he has become weak after my death."
Danyal now started understanding the reality.He asked Rob's father "Had this ever happenend before , that the dead ones call the lived ones ?"
Rob's father told him that "Yes Danyal , it has happened , but many times people have not succeeded in this work .See , you must have listened that there was no chance for any person to live , but he escaped from death , as if God has given him a blessing to live. It is actually the same condition here for which you have been called , we can stop the death , for which the key lies in that forest. To make a person live. But after the person is died you cannot make him alive. What is there inside the forest is unknown , but people believe it."
Danyal was now satisfied knowing all this. Danyal asked Rob's father to lead him to the forest. Rob's father took him , it took them about forty five minutes to reach there . Now the sun was set , and Danyal could see the dark forest just in front of him . He was looking at it with fear , but his determination made his fear away. Rob's father gave him a small box and said to him it will be of great use when you are in the jungle. Danyal thanked him and started journey all alone.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Chapter 8(Yet Another Life )
Danyal thought only Rob's parents can tell him the truth, so he went again to their house to clear every questions in his mind . He saw very tensed face of Rob's father when he entered the house. He seemed to be really very worried about Rob and Alisha , how would they carry out their future . Who will take care of them?. When he saw Danyal entering he wiped his tears and now was looking at Danyal . Danyal asked to him "Uncle James ,How I came in this world?And where is Mrs Andy , sometime ago she was here" . Mr Andy replied "This question was quite expected from you Danyal , she is not here now " But Danyal had still not got answers of his any question . He was looking at Rob's father with a hope that he will tell him something .
Danyal said "Uncle James , if this is a dead world , the dead ones live here , so if Iam here means that Iam also dead ?
Rob's father said "Yes it is true Danyal , it is the land of dead but it is not true that you are dead you have been called here to do a work Danyal"
Danyal felt somewhat relaxed and said "What work?"
Rob's father replied "I called you Danyal , I need you , you need to do my work."
Danyal with surprise said "Me , uncle why me?"
Rob's father said "I want my children happy Danyal , only you can help me I know that , You are not dead Danyal , your true heart , best example of friendship and dedication to make your friend happy has brought you down here , I think so"
Danyal said "But Uncle , I still didn't get it"
Rob's father said "I too don't know actually how you are here Danyal, when you were near my graveyard i don't know how but suddenly I reached there behind you and I saw you. I know Danyal , when the dead person are able to call you ,to their world it means that something big , something important is going to happen. The work that you are here is , you have to save a life Danyal , the life which only you can save not us ,there is not much time left now."
Danyal asked "Whose life , what are you talking about?"
Rob's father replied "Mrs Andy's life"
"But Uncle she was" after saying this Danyal stopped.
"Dead , yes she was and she was not" Rob's father said.
"What do mean Uncle ?" said Danyal.
Look Danyal , Mrs Andy is not dead still , she is in a terrible risk of life now , she is very serious , she comes here and goes by often , she comes here to give a visit to dead , you have to save her life Danyal , only you can save her , please save her Danyal , my children , O my children.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Chapter 7 ( Yet Another Life )
The Rob's father entered without saying anything to Danyal . He saw his wife crying and also filled in with tears seeing her. Danyal asked both of them "Excuse me Mr Andy and Mrs Andy , will you please tell me , whats going on here ,where Iam and why both of you are crying , is it a dream because i know you were dead uncle? This all question were moving about in his mind and he wanted desperately answers of his every question . Mr James Andy replied "Easy Danyal , easy , the thing now Iam going to tell you may be unbelievable to you , you might not understand it easily but whatever it is , it is the truth".
Rob's father continued "Danyal you are now in the world of dead , every person you are seeing here , no one is alive of them . Everyone is dead . You know that i fell from the 5th floor at my construction site and i died . You must be wondering why Iam standing infront of you and talking to you , though Iam not alive .The answer is Iam also a part of the dead land. The person who ever dies in the real world becomes a part of this dead world ." He was not able to believe whatever was told to him . So he asked Rob's father why Mrs Andy was here because he knew that she was not dead. Rob's father replied him "Danyal she is dead too". Danyal was shocked to hear this . He looked at Rob's mother . She was still crying . He asked Rob's mother what was the matter. She wiping out her tears replied to him "I faced my death , today morning Danyal , I was very much depressed after my husbands death and this lead me to death. I am really very much tensed about Rob and Alisha they are alone in the house now . Who will take care of them Danyal .
Danyal was also very small to understand all this things . He has seen this kind of things in movies and all. But to face them in reality was very difficult to him. This all information made him really very tensed and made him think that why he was here if it is the land of dead . He ran outside and went to his own house . He actually wanted to confirm about his parents. He knocked the door but no one opened it . He searched his pocket and found a key in it . Then he opened the door searched the whole house here and there but did not find his parents in there which made him very much relaxed . But still he has got doubt in his mind about his presence in this dead world . He has understood now that who ever is dead in the real world , comes and lives here in the dead world which is most likely the same as the real world . He has also now understood that everyone covered with blood out here were not dangerous , but they are the dead ones who faced their death by any accidents or murder or any other reason . He did not find any of the marks or blood in Mrs Andy because she was died because of depression .
Monday, May 9, 2011
Chapter 6 ( Yet Another Life )
Danyal found himself on the bed, he thought that it was again a bad dream and felt relaxed that he was at his house , all the things that he saw were not real . But when he looked around he found , it was not his home . He was somewhere else , after looking here and there and moving around in the room he discovered that he was at the different room . He remembered that he was fainted seeing a group of blood covered faces around him. He looked from the window and found the same people outside. Now everything was just unimaginable to him. First was that he could see the Rob's father even he was dead and moreover now he was in a very much different world and he has no idea how to move out from it. He came out of the room slowly and slowly , still in fears and tears. He was thinking about his mum and dad , that they would be waiting for him in the house and would be very tensed. He wanted to go home now , but was also desperate to know what was going around him.
After coming out of the room, he saw a big fountain around where there was very much brightness and greenery. The whole area around him was full of brightness and freshness. The group of people were sitting near the tree and were watching the beauty of the surroundings. He for a moment thought that he should ask them where he was , but gave up his mind thinking that they would do something harm to him , because they looked very much dangerous. So he quitely moved out of the area . No one noticed him that he was escaping , everyone was exploring the beauty around. He wanted now a white dress, because everyone he
could see had wore the same . He had a feeling that he could not be caught easily if he had a white dress. So he searched every where for it , atlast found one lying on the table. After wearing it he came out of that building and started moving about in the roads.
He saw same kind of people in the roads which he saw earlier before getting fainted , all were covered with blood. He was now searching for that , which brought him down here , which was Rob's father . He looked carefully around , and he found that the world in which he is wandering now has got many similarities as Gasperland in which he lived. The buildings , the gardens , the fountations all were at the same place as he had in his village. The only difference was type of the people living there. Danyal saw a big Banayan tree which he used to see daily , on his way to school . Then he realized that the world around him was very much same as in his village. He thought if everything is same here then , it is possible that Rob 's and his house would be on the same place. So he changed his way and started going to Rob's house in a hope that there he could find Rob's family.
After fifteen minutes he reached there and knocked the door. "Hello , is there anyone inside? " ,Danyal asked. After two minutes someone opened the door and that some one was Rob's mother , Mrs Lily Andy. Rob was pleased to see her there and felt very much relaxed . Atleast now he has got someone who he knows here. Rob's mother without speaking to him , with her gestures asked him to come inside. Danyal could see tears in her eyes. Danyal after coming inside asked "Aunt Lily , where is Rob?". Aunt lily was unable to speak , she was full of tears. Danyal asked her again "Aunt Lily , where is Rob?, Please tell me , and dont cry whats the matter. Aunt Lily was about to say something , but before she could do so, door knocked again . Danyal said , "Aunt , I will open it , you remain seated". Danyal opened the door and the person he saw after opening was Rob's father . Atlast he found the person who brought him down here.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Chapter 5( Yet Another Life )
He was just about to shout loudly but he suddenly found him at his bed and realized that this was just a dream.But this dream made him think that , if it was possible anyhow that his father returns how great it will be. This very thought made him really excited . He prayed to God asked him for the Rob's father return, telling him that his life and Rob's family's life has became very unhappy without him . Also telling him that his family needs him desperately. Dont know why but he wanted to go to the grave yard where Mr James Andy was buried. So after taking his breakfast , Danyal went to the grave yard. He was all alone there in the grave yard. He presented garlands to him and was crying over his coffen . After visiting Rob's fathers coffen when he was about to go, he found a man was standing at the corner and was crying . Danyal could hear the voice of his painful crying. He thought he should talk to him , atleast he should ask the reason .
He went near to him to ask the matter.He said "Excuse me, Sir what happened ?May I help you?".When the man turned his face , Danyal saw that he was fully covered with blood and he was again the Rob's father standing infront of him. He slapped himself to confirm that he is not in a dream. But realized that this time it was real. Instead of running he made himself firm and told him all his feelings , Rob's feelings about him and asked him to return . Mr James Andy without saying anything in reply just turned his face and started walking . Danyal asked him to stop , but he did not respond and was walking and walking . He thought Rob's father wanted to show him something , so he followed him where ever he went. They were out of the grave yard after some time . Danyal found that Rob's father was going to a church , he followed him there too. There was a small door in the underground floor ,Danyal entered inside after Rob's father. But when he entered there , he found Rob's father was not there. He was wondering one moment he saw him and the other moment he was gone.
The room in which he entered was very bright full of lights . There were many idols of many creatures . A very fresh feeling was experienced by Danyal there. But Danyal was not looking to all of these , he was searching for Rob's father who brought him here . After so much searching he found Rob's father was seen going more underground. Danyal first hesitated to go further, but thinking of Rob's family thought he must go , he must not fear at all. But when he reached there found a very much different world. It was like a colony underground or a city. He was not able to understand what it was actually .It was really out of his imagination. There were many people there every one wearing a white dress. Every where there was brightness .
He found a group of people approaching towards him . Maximum of them were covered with blood , many had their legs broken, many with their hands broken . Some or the other way all were hurt. Slowly and slowly they were moving towards him. Danyal was in fear seeing them and their blood covered faces , just like Rob's father. After some time they were very near to him and covered him from every side . Danyal saw all of them were staring at him . He was about to cry . There was no one to help him and there was nothing to say to anyone.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Chapter 4 ( Yet Another Life)
Danyal was waiting from a long time but his parents did not return. Now he was restless. He had no clue of his parents so he could not move on any particular way to search them. He was just wandering about in his room thinking that where they would have gone. When he was just moving about in his room he heard a painful sound of a person outside. He went to the windows to see what it was but didnot found any one . But he was hearing the sound constantly. He was not able to understand what was happening with him today. He was now filled with fear and terror . He was all alone in his house and there was no one to help him. He then moved out of the house , and making up his mind went to Robs house , but finding it locked too made him all the more tensed.
He found the sound was actually coming from Rob's house . Danyal saw a window of the Rob's house open . He made his mind strong and atlast decided to enter into the house through the window , as he wanted to find what was going around him. After entering he found complete dark , there was no light and moreover that painful sound calling his name now. He was searching for the source of sound but was not able to find it. When he reached Rob's bedroom , he found a person was laying on the bed. He was not able to identify him because it was very much dark. The person was still calling his name.
Danyal asked "Who are you?"
He got no reply .
He asked again "Please tell me who are you?"
The unknown person replied "First you come to me"
Danyal was at the greatest height of fear. He found every condition like a complete horror movie like lights gone , no one in the house except a stranger who was in a terrible pain. He was now literally crying . He wanted end of all this desperately . So he moved near to him slowly and slowly. There was a small scarf over his face. He slowly tried to move it and the scene that he found was out of his imagination . For a moment he found it was a dream . He was not able to believe what he seeing and was completely shocked. After seeing him, only left was to run and nothing else for Danyal. When he turned around for running he found that the door was closed . He was trying to beat that door , still it did not open.After trying a loads he stopped and sat on the floor and just started thinking for what he just saw now.
First Danyal never understood what was death, what happens after we die . Where our soul and our body goes. He was not in that age to understand completely all this . But he does know that after death a person is never seen again . But here the scene was completely different as the person lying on the bed was actually Rob's father. This was the greatest shock Danyal has faced in his life.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Chapter 3 ( Yet Another Life )
Danyal was so much excited and had made many plans which would atleast give a moment smiles on Rob's face. He had not slept the whole night because of excitement. The next day sharp at 6 AM he went to Robs house to give him a surprise . He knocked the door Rob himself opened the door . Danyal greeted him with a big smile on his face and gave him a gift pack rapped with a light yellow color . Rob thanked him for this and asked him to sit . "Danyal, please sit , i'll just bring something for you to eat."
Rob please first you open this gift.
I'll see it later mate.
No please open this first.
OK then lets see .
Rob after opening the gift was full of tears in his eyes and was again in his fathers memory. Danyal gifted him a photo in which he was over his fathers shoulders and Danyal was on another shoulder , it was the time when they were just 7 years. Rob felt very
bad after seeing that photo and was also angry with his life who had taken his father away from him . Danyal asked him "Is'nt it good?" Rob was now not in condition to speak a word and now started bursting out tears and wanted to be alone , so asked Danyal to step out of the house. Danyal said "What happened Rob , didnt you like it ? Rob said" Please go away Danyal please for Gods sake I want to be alone for some time ."
'But rob but
Just leave Danyal.
Ok ok .
Danyal returned home but felt very sad for what ever happened at Rob's house. He never thought that his birthday could turn out like this. He was sitting on his bed and thought there must be some way he could help Rob . He wished that how nice it would have been if Rob's father come back. He was imagining every happiness Rob would have got when his father was back. But became sad thinking that this is not possible any more . He cursed life for destroying Rob as well as his life.He thought God is so cruel that he had done this to us who had not anything wrong to anyone. He thought there must be some way for bringing his father back . He was so desperate now to help Rob and his family. He heard about the souls and thought is it possible that Rob's father is now in the form of soul. He thought this way a foolish one but also it was in his mind that if Rob's father is in form of soul now this soul can be transfered to another
body to give it a lively form.
The next day when he woke up there was no one in his house , then he remembered that his father and mother must have went to his grandmother as they were planning from many days. He thought why they would have left him here alone.He tried his
fathers mobile but it was unreachable. He decided to go to his grandmother at Alsanka which is 15 kilometers away from Bougsville. So he locked his house and got a taxy for Alsanka. He reached there after an hour but found his grandmothers house locked and it seemed that it is closed from many years. He thought what to do next , he again tried to call his father but found unreachable again. Now he was tensed . It has never happened before that his father and mother have left him alone without any imformation. He then returned his house but still didnt find his parents. He also couldnt go to Rob because he was very angry with him because of yesterdays incident. So he decided to wait for his parents for some hours there must be some emergency for what they have not imformed him.
Chapter 2 ( Yet Another life )
Danyal found him really in a pitiful condition he decided not to say anything to him anything , he just sat beside him looking to both of them . Danyal had never seen Rob in such a mood , he was joyly by nature . After two hours , the
dead body was taken for the burial. Rob did not go there he was looking at his fathers photo constantly without blinking his eyes , this was the photo when Rob , Alisha and his father went on a camp. Danyal who didn't want to see Rob in that condition was at his home thinking
what plans we had made for this years all went to pit.
The next day Danyal went to Rob's house to meet him, he was still in his same as he was yesterday . Danyal tried to talk to him but Rob was not interested in any of his sentences . Danyal thought he wants to be alone so he stepped out from his house . He all alone went to school . He was restless all the time in school and was missing Rob but he couldn't do anything . This became daily routine of Danyal . More he tries to make Rob away from the incident , he see more tears in his eyes . After some days Rob started going to school but was not at all interested in what was going around him , he was just thinking about his father all the time . Danyal had to do every work alone which usually he performed with Rob. He was really missing those days of happiness.
Robs father was a great man had a very busy schedule but then also gives maximum time to his children. He was a builder , and had build many big malls and offices. His death was an accident which he met with when he was at his
construction site. He fell from the 5th floor of the office. This was very unexpected incident for Rob and his family. This made them very shocked. Danyal thought that Rob should be given some time to recover.
There are many people in the world who have lost their father in their early age. But the difference is that some are able to accept this truth some wants to live with the past . Same was the case with Rob who was in the memories of his father. But due to this Danyal lost his friend which he loves more than anything . He thought why did this happen when everything was alright . He cursed God for his deed. He really wanted to do something that will make Rob and his family happy, but could'nt do anything bcoz all they want was the person whom they have lost.
One day when Danyal was on his way to school he asked "Hey Rob what have you planned for your birthday this time ?"
Iam not celebrating my birthday this time ,i'm not at all interested.
But how can u be like this Rob ,u were the one always excited for birthday and presents.
Situation was different that time Danyal.
No Rob its not like that.
Danyal i dont want to talk about this any more.
OK if you dont want to celebrate but I have a big surprise for you.
I dont want surprises ,the biggest one I have got.
After sometime they reached their school.
Chapter 1 ( Yet Another life )

This is the time of spring season at Bougsville , a small town in Gasperland. People were on their usual routine as it was monday . Danyal was too desperately getting ready for his 1st day of 8th standard.
Danyal are you ready ? His mother asked.
Mom, just two minutes.
Come fast Rob is waiting.
Yes mom,tell him to wait.
Rob was a very fast friend of Danyal and has studied with him since they were in nursery. He was his neighbour too. They both do every work together like playing video games , going on a trip, going school etc. They both cant live without each other a single moment. Rob Andy and Danyal Stone both were of great intelligence and had a great creative thinking . Together they looked like brothers more than friends as both have same innocence in their face and were almost of same height. Danial had a sincere smile always on his face and his brown hairs and brown eyes adds in his good looks. Rob had a very sharp blue eyes and black hair. Both were looking very handsome that day and had wore brand new t-shirts . Danyal with black-yellow combination and Rob with Red-Blue.
"Looking cool" rob said.
You too dude
Lets go now we are already late.
They both studied in Franstene university a very reputed institution of Gasperland. They always go to school by walk which was a mile away from their house . They both reached school after twenty minutes. They both greeted their classmates and asked them about their plans . Then our teacher miss Ruby entered into the class and our first class started. After two minutes peon of our school entered into our class and asked for Rob.
Excuse me miss, shall I borrow Rob please Principal wants to meet him.
Ok ,Rob, go with him.
Rob thought he has forgotten his tiffin that might be the reason he has been called. Then Rob moved out of the class with him. Danyal was wondering what would have happened and thought if Rob has forgotten his tiffin they should have given him in the class itself then why did the principal called him .This all questions were moving about in his mind .
Peiods were passing by but Rob did not return. By that time Danyal was restless and was not able to concentrate in his class and when it became unbearable he decided to meet him in his house in recess. So he gave an application that he was not feeling well and wants to go home and was relieved. After then he started his twenty minutes journey towards home but this time he was alone . When he reached his house he found large people gathered around his house some were crying and some were shocked . He saw his mother and father standing at corner with very sad faces. Danyal seeing all this ran inside the house to see what exactly has happened. He saw George Andy and his blooded face , his eyes closed and people crying around him and he realized Robs father was no more.
He thought for a while about Rob how would he be feeling . Danyal looked for Rob but did not find him. He searched him in his whole house and after fifteen minutes he found Rob sitting at the corner with his younger sister and both were crying a lot. His sister was almost screaming she was just seven years . Danyal slowly moved towards Rob to console him ,Danyal too was in tears.
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